The Beatbox Cast
Much more than just a tribute to the Beatles, the performance of Beatbox aims to revive the energy and charm of the legendary quar tet from Liverpool. To obtain the desired result, nothing has been left to chance: the instrumentation is identical to that used by the Beatles in their historical concerts, the Stage clothes, are made by the same tailor who made them for the U.S. tours of the Fab Four.
To give life to this project, four musicians from the curriculum rather than noble: the guys has played with the great names of Italian pop. A show that runs through the memories and the discovery of several generations, with performances faithfully to the original, to rediscover the enthusiasm and positivity of the Swinging ‘60s.
Molto piu’ che un semplice tributo ai Beatles, la performance dei Beatbox si propone di far rivivere l’energia e il fascino del mitico quartetto di Liverpool. E per ottenere il risultato desiderato nulla è stato lasciato al caso: dalla strumentazione, identica a quella usata dai Beatles nei loro storici concerti, ai vestiti, confezionati su misura dalla stessa sartoria che li creò per la tournèe americana dei Fab Four.
A dare vita a questo progetto, quattro musicisti dal curriculum piu’ che nobile, e vantano collaborazioni con i grandi nomi del pop italiano. Uno show che attraversa i ricordi e le scoperte di piu’ generazioni, con esecuzioni fedelissime a quelle originali, per riscoprire l’entusiasmo e la positività dei mitici anni ’60.
As John Lennon

Stefano Piancastelli Vocals, Lead Guitar
Filippo Caretti Vocals, Lead Guitar
As Paul McCartney

Claudio Iemme Vocals, Bass, Piano, Guitar
Riccardo Bagnoli Vocals, Bass, Piano, Guitar
Marco Breglia Vocals, Bass, Piano, Guitar
As George Harrison
As Ringo Starr

Michele Caputo Vocals, Lead Guitar

Federico Franchi Vocals, Drums, Percussions

Claudio Airo
Keyboards, Percussions
The Beatbox Staff

Production Manager

Production Manager